Child Memorial
Project: Crematorium Memorial
A construction project set in the grounds of Barnsley Crematorium where we were asked if we could design and construct a space where a child memorial could be placed to commemorate one families loss of their 14-year-old son. Mr Fleetwood and his family lost their son back in 2019 and immediately began a fundraising campaign to provide an area of focus and remembrance for their son Lucas, and also for others who have been affected by the loss of a child. Due to the nature and cost of the project, we provided the use of all construction equipment free of charge whilst Steelphalt, a local asphalt production plant very kindly donated the surfacing material, also at no cost. Soon the memorial will be set in place, offering families a quiet and tranquil area to focus and remember those they have lost. The article below explains the story of the Fleetwoods tragic loss and the journey of how they were able to create this area of remembrance for their precious son.